i'm training for a profootball combine i want to get my 225 bench press stronger
more protein in your diet..and work out the muscle groups that support bench pressing every other day...(tris,bis,delts,rhomboids,lats etc..).. You probably want to be more geared towards total body strength NOT just the benchpress..
do push ups and other upper body execises 3 times a week
Okay, the combine is over. However, you can use pyramids. Try 50% of your max weight for 8 reps, 60% for 6 reps, 70% for 4 reps, and 80% for 2 reps. Then work back down the pyramid. You can add in 40% for 10 reps if needed and add a 90% for 1 rep at the top. This is a great workout for building strength and endurance needed for the combine type bench press.
You're front deltoid is very important for bechpress. Work on shoulder presses and incline bench. Working the secondary muscles is very important. Also try heavier weight w/ only a few reps[so 225 doesn't feel heavy] Make sure you have a spotter. Use negetive reps where your partner helps you lift the weight but you let it down yourself very slowly this will strenghten the other muscles needed to benchpress more. But you only want to do this every 3 or 4 workouts its hard on your muscles and your body will need time to heal. Try 315lbs to start. Then to get in use to alot of reps use about 175 as many times as you can to get your muscles in use to alot of reps. When I was in highschool I did this and at 235lbs I benched 225 lbs. 41 times.
OK. Here's the deal. Whoever said you should probably concentrate on more than just the bench press is absolutely 100% correct. The bench press is important, but if you want to be as effective as possible in whatever sport (I assume football is the case here) you need to get stronger everywhere. That said, the comments already made are very good ones. Generally speaking, to gain muscle mass (i.e. up your max) the best way to go is high weight and low reps. For endurance the opposite is true, low weight and high reps. Both are important. This is one reason why I advise to cycle your programs, say 6 weeks of endurance training and six weeks of mass training, then repeat. As far as concentrating on individual muscles, this is a good idea too. Biceps, triceps, deltoids, ect. But do not over look your rotators. Here is a great exercise for doing that free of charge. Grab a 5 lb weight in your right hand and lie on a bench on your left side. Rest the weight on your stomach, tucking your elbow such that it touches your right side (kidney area). Keeping your elbow touching your side, rotate the weight away from your stomach until it is pointing almost straight up in the air, and then back down to your stomach. Then do the same for your left arm. Trust me, it might feel a little weird at first but this will help. I would do about 3 or 4 sets of 10-15 reps. But always do a low weight. The rotator is easy to injure, so don't over do it.