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Why can't I hear my alarm clock in the morning?

It is very loud and I still can't hear the alarm. Why?


Candle light is beautiful, but in a multi dwelling, it would be best to find another way to sent the air instead. Many are on the market besides plug ins to outlets. Some with quiet sounds of nature, plus smell. One new device has candle scents that are so much safer. Check out Wal-Mart for these.
While it's lit it shouldn't set it off. But when you are putting it out, make sure to use a drop of water on the flame instead of blowing it out. You blow it out and you'll have a smog cloud in your room from one tiny candle! :-) good luck.
Yes - they can - if they are put close to the smoke detectors or if they are smoky candles!
I am totally against a national ID card. It reminds me of those old WW2 movies and the Gestapo checking people's papers and them trembling in their shoes. The government already knows just about everything there is to know about me from my IRS records. If the state does it's job properly in issuing DLs and IDs, then it should never be necessary. I do not have a problem with any authority asking for an ID and questioning why someone doesn't have one, but that's as far as it should go.
Candles do NOT generally create enough smoke to set of a smoke detector. (I use them in my house frequently enough and I have a hardwired smoke detectors connected to my security system. They have NEVER set them off.) However if you are in a small space or very close to the detector they certainly could. A dorm room certainly could qualify. That being said, most dorms have rules against candles. They are just too dangerous in that type of setting. Campus fire authorities generally set the smoke detectors to high sensitivity to help enforce that rule. I wouldn't risk it. Buy some glade plug in scented oils instead!

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