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Why did Israelis shoot civilians Hamas used as human shields in Gaza?

They knew that Hamas was using them as human shields but they did not care and shot at them killing over a 700 child and woman


No, not yet, but I'll warn my cat about it. If he does it'll come out of his pocket money!
It isn't like the best and the fullest of protective gear is going to do much in a head on collision with a truck, but it will decrease your chances of head injuries and skin damage(road rash) when you happen to fall and slide on the road if you fall. Common sense, the more protective gear on your body, the less injuries to your body. While some riders won't even think of wearing a full face helmet, think about thisIf you don't have a face shield, what will protect your eyes and face if an object flies through the air right towards your face? Hint.Not your Oakleys. Reality is that you don't even have to fall of your bike to receive a head injury. Just be at the wrong spot on the road and the wrong time. Kind of like when a rock hits your car's windshield and cracks it. Only this time the windshield can either be your helmet visor or your bare face.You choose. While most of us wear or regular jeans while we ride, they aren't of much protection in an accident. Motorcycle pants made of leather or thicker denim with padding or made of Kevlar will offer more protection against skin damage. Gloves are as important as anything else. Your hands are the most fragile and the most exposed when riding. You use your hands every day so you really want to protect them. Do you want your hands all skinned up if you fall down and can't use them to do everyday chores? Any decent pair of work boots or cycle boots are better than gym shoes or flip-flips on your feet. There isn't much you can do against broken bones except that the more padding and armor, the better of a cushion your bones will have from getting broken. You don't have to buy the best of the best of gear if you cannot afford it, but the more gear you can comfortably ride in accordingly to the weather, then the better you are off. You may want a thick leather or tectile jacket for the cooler weather, but you may prefer a lightweight mesh cycle jacket for the hotter weather.
See if you can get her to do it again, put it on Video send it to the Home Funniest Videos, so we can all see.
Your cat isn't named Garfield, by any chance, is he? Hope he never dials for pizza take out! Funny. My cats can't get to my phone, but one has laid on the TV remote and changed the channel.
I used to have a phone with a speaker and an emergency button that called 911. I'd just moved into an apartment and suddenly there's pounding on my door. It was the police. Someone had called 911 from my house. I went in the bedroom to find Tuffy cat sitting next to the phone that was on the windowsill since my furniture wasn't there - oops! After that I reprogrammed it to call information instead.

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