Why do fabrics shrink (in detail)?
Use it as a motivation to excel in academics I know what you meanI don't live in the ritziest place of places myself.
When you are the product of uneducated people, without good jobs and without a good source of income, that is what you get and you are stuck with it for nowMake a promise to yourself that after high school, you will get a higher education and make something of yourself and not have to suck off the rest of us.
Sounds like one of those great places where everyone is getting a government check , dont work and voted for obamaI feel for youI dont blame you for wanting to rant, good for you for saying itBut do you have a question ?
You are a testimony to why most states have gone away from Projects and towards a voucher systemIf a person with a voucher does the things you describe, the land lord evicts themThe voucher recipient has to keep it clean and not interfere with their neighbors if they want a home Land lords refusing to rent to them if they do not clean up their act and be civil to each other will result in them being homeless.
In the pre-loom processes of warping and sizing and also on the loom, yarn is stretched and kept taut under tensionYarns that are woven to form the fabric, when washed for the 1st time, will naturally shrink to its original length, thus causing the shrinkage that is experienced.