So if I heat the pipes from 300 up to 900 Celsius , and I do conect all pipes to one bigger pipe to bring out the steam to the turbine , do I need the boiler to make more pressure or why do I need a boiler , ? Anyone can tell me the whole produce how it works , or how is the best way to use this kind of heat ,,,, from 300 up to 900 Celsius hot ?
You are thinking correctly. High pressure boilers are net works of pipes with an outer jacket to reduce heat loss.
To run a turbine and produce power in any way, you need a continoues flow of high pressure steam. Just heating a pipe would not do much.
One of many reasons but perhaps the most important is a boiler has a steam drum . A steam drum providesca place where the steam can be seperated from the water. It is important to not have water entrained in the steam. Your pipe idea ould mke steam but it would also let water slugs travel long with the steam. Wate entering a turbine will damage it. In keeping the water in a stem drum the steam exiting the drum can then be passed through a super heater to raise its energy level ( temperature) which will greatly enhancecthe overall plant efficiency. Steam that is in contact with liquid water cannot be seperated. Thus your pipe idea fails on a second level in that it would be nearly impossible to create superheated steam in the pipe. Finally the impurities in the feed water get concentrated in the boiler and they can be. Periodically removed by blow downs and treated with chemicals to prevent scale formation. Your pipe idea fails on a third level in that scale will easily form on the inside of the pipe as water boils off leaving a crust of scale. The scale minimizes heat transfer and lowers efficiency. Scale can also contribute to ruptures as the scale causes the steel to over heat due to the lowered heat transfer overheated steel is weaker.