Why don't they hoist the wreck of Titanic from the bottom of the sea?
It is so heavily oxidized that it would fall apart if anyone tried. The wreck has already started to collapse in on itself.
It would all break the rusticles that are or must be on it must be eating it away soon it will be no more. It would raise in crumbly pieces.
There is too much to hoist
I would think it'd be rusted from the salt water and would cave in if moved. I'm not sure 100% because i don't recall seeing pictures of it recently, but i'm pretty sure its in bad shape.
I think there are a number of reasons. As others mentioned, it is really old and being an water for 100+ years in cold water wouldn't make it exactly strong. I am sure if it attempted, it would crumble easily and then we would lose an important part of history. It's also like a grave sit like somebody else mentioned. I suppose it's still there too in remembrance of what happened and to the people who perished. Lastly, maybe it's because we want to leave it there for future ships. It's kind of like a reminder of what happened and what can happen if we aren't careful.