With cigars we aren't 100% sure if it will kill you but with abortions yes we are 100% sure that it will kill an innocent baby.Making the excuse that a baby isn't a human being was used as an excuse for slavery and the atrocities that came with it..
Cigarette smoking is politically incorrect. Pot smoking is not. Abortion is the epitome of political correctness. Unfortunately, a few members of the Supreme Court still consider the Constitution to be their guiding light, but a few more years of Democrat administration will rid the Court of such Neanderthals.
You mean hoist are liberal frenz on their own petards - the very thought is simply too delicious for words! lol
Cigarette use is a lifestyle choice. Abortion is a medical procedure. Can you make your case using universally accepted terms like fetus and pregnancy? Or does your case fall apart without the unwarranted assumption It's a baby, a child, a life or whatever biased term? Honest debate happens only when both sides agree on definition of terms. If the other side doesn't agree that fetus = baby, then the term baby may not be used in the debate as if interchangeable with or equivalent to fetus. There is a lot of debate on this topic, but the abortion prohibitionists offer little HONEST debate.
I've never seen a gruesome picture on a pack of cigarettes. On the other hand, every time I go to a doctor I get asked if I smoke but have never been asked if I participated in an abortion.
Tobacco companies now do have a case for unequal treatment under the law. As pot becomes legal. Also a natural substance that has far deadlier carcinogens and second hand effects. Because one product is being strangled and the other promoted. And the one strangled is not as much a narcotic nor gateway drug to other intoxicants. Abortion clinics are shutting down. The gruesome effects and ghoulishness is becoming clear to everyone. I doubt a clinic would tolerate a lit billboard for long bearing the pictures of torn and shredded infants.