92;m/ i love metal!!!!!!!!!
steel: Nevermore - the middle Collector Metallica - The Unforgiven Rock: Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven Mad Season - River of Deceit The Beatles - mutually as My Guitar gently Weeps Pearl Jam - Black Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
OK, that first answer was over the top (true, but over the top!) How about Steel, Stainless Steel Brass, Bronze (like statues!) Aluminum, Tin (like cans!) Copper, silver, nickel (like US coins)
Copper, Tin, Zinc, Magnesium, Nickle, Silver, Gold, Platinum
Metals can be indentified by the properties of them. They are are good electric conductors, good thermal conductors, Under normal conditions they make cations (meaning they give away electrons become positive incharge). Except for Mecury ( Hg - a metal) all metals are solids under room conditions). They glow (electrons from last electron orbitals of metals are poorly bonded to the nucleous. so they are freely migrating from one metal nucleaous to another... Another word is its an electron sea) there are so many other properties as well... When you take any metal it has one or more properties given above. But to mention there are some non-metals that satisfies some properties above as well. ( Iodine is non metal with good thermal conductivity). Returning to your question some of the metals are give below. Na - Sodium ( cant be seen as pure metal. Mostly remain in cation form. ex: Na+ ) Ag - Silver ( Jewellary ) Au - Gold ( Jewellary ) Al - Aluminium (pots pans, Heat Sinks, coins) Fe - Iron ( So many things U already know ) Cu - copper (Heat Sinks. coins) Ti - Titanium (is one of the metals used to make aircraft wings) .... etc There are so many metals that cant be listed down... :) Hope this clears things out.. Cheers Codered