This doesn't only apply to this size pvc pipe, but for many others.How come such a large margin of difference is allowed in the pvc industry?
If my lifetime, we've gone from turning fire hoses against African-Americans to nominating one for President. That's pretty good. We've made some progress. Dr. King would be thrilled, I think. We all should be.
America has made great strides. When People talk about small government, I wonder if they realize that without, Laws and amendments and even sometimes troops we would never have come this far. You can not change or regulate the Heart of a man, but you can control his actions, with laws. The Civil Rights Movement, was never meant to change minds, it's purpose was to get our Government to put in place Laws that would allow a people to grow without Fear of retaliation from those who seek to subdue us. As you see by the sometimes hurtful racist remarks right hear on this sight, some minds still have not budged, but I don't have to be hindered by the stubborn mind, because My country has stood up for me, That is why Black People are Democrats.
id give it a miss if i was you you have no idea what to do so just bury the poor creature and find out how to use the resin properly with a plastic rodent!
In a sense I guess he would. I think he would be ashamed of the socialism that Obama and the democrats have as a platform. I think he would still be ashamed of the state of the democratic party and how it has still enslaved blacks making them to believe they need the government for a handout to get ahead in life. I think he would reprimand Obama for being in a hate church like Jeremiah Wright for 20 years!
I think he would to a point, mostly because there are still issues amongst African Americas that he would not approve of, but we have come a long way from where we where back when he said those words