For the past 30 min literally everyone in my house has been light headed and dizzy. They also have a head ache. When I left my house to go to my friends house across the street to work on a project I was fine but then when I walked into my house the same thing happened.Wtf is going on? I feel like throwing up
Do what everyone does in America to gain weight. Eat lots of fast food and drink soda
Shields gained like 25+ pounds for this fight. Let's Greaser Wonder Boy do this and face Anderson Silva. (***With out any vaseline or salty products before the fight) Miller is a very good fighter and is a top ranked fighter in his weight class. (Just because some of these UFC loving rankings don't give him credit) Mentioning names like Koscheck, who lacks credible stand up, Alves who absolutely has no ground defense is absurd. Fitch is a good fighter but doesn't know how to dehydrate and should be coming into his fights at 188. Jake Shields would walk through the UFC welterweight division, including Greaser Wonder Boy Middleweight Division would be a great match up with the DODGER Anderson Silva (ducking Hendo ) Hendo and Jake Shields would be a great match up too, Hendo would want to close the GTA, and grapple and try a take down or the Heavy Right, Where Jake wants it on the ground for submissions. Top/or Bottom