Why would using very old solder to seal joints between copper pipes in a home pose a health risk?
Because older solder contains a high proportion of lead, as high as 60%. If this solder is used to seal pipes that carry water, the water could become contaminated with small amounts of lead and become toxic. Modern solder for copper pipes is lead-free and doesn't run the risk of contaminating water with lead. Usually the package the solder comes in gives it composition in terms of lead, tin, and/or other metals. Hope this helps.
Real easy to do - as long as the leak is where the threads are (and you have tubeless tire). Good Luck.
It's not advisable to run a plugged tire. Bike tires aren't made like car tires, different stresses and all. Best fix is to patch it from the inside and put a tube in it.
Yes. If it's a tubeless tire the 'gummy worm' type of plug will work fine. I used to be afraid of them, until I took my bike in to get a flat fixed and that's just what they used at the shop.