I purchased a Targus universal usb wall charger to replace 2 chargers. It suggests using original usb cables, which I have. The Targus charger is rated 5.1v and 2.1A. My iphone charger was rated 5v and 1A and Samsung Note 8 Tablet charger was rated 5.0v and 2.0A. Will the Targus universal charger hurt / overcharge/ damage either device? Thanks
I'd say get a samsung. Want a phone with a huge screen, biggest screen ever on a smartphone and don't mind it's gigantic size? Then grab the Galaxy Note 2. If you'd like a smaller device with a relatively big screen get the Galaxy S3. Of course if the price is an issue just get Note 2 or S3. And if you're not a fan of android at all and got sick of it, just get the iPhone 5.
hello higher charging current takes less time for charging but damages battery,,,,,
No worry. The USB charger produces a regulated 5 volt supply. Each USB device has its own charge controller, and takes only as much current as it needs. For a small device on a large charger the charging time is the same as on its own charger. A large device on a small charger will charge up fully but take longer to do so. This does not, however, apply to non-USB systems, where matching the charger to the device may be very important.