i am 13 and sexy but have those stupid pubety boob stuff so i wanan stat bench pressing so will it?
No, but squating, power cleaning, and shoulder pressing will...ANy workout that puts stress on your spinal column can stop height growth
its depends on far through puberty you've gone. guys who start working out (not neccesarily just benching) at a young age will tend to not grow as much bc they started working all their muscles before they fully developed. but youre 13 so i'd say its safe. just dont over do it mate :) enjoy yourself
Seems have a big turn in a person's life. The external form of a person is ideal in the eyes of the planet when every feature is assembled in flawlessness or very nearly there. Of all of them, height represents an important role. Height is not just lots is one of the critical standards in plenty of areas: sports, being a part of the security force, wooing someone, obtaining a work or just bolstering one's assurance therefore
Hi, at 13 years old there's only some exercises that will prevent you from growing. Those are all exercises that you do when you are standing up. Like doing squats or olympic weight lifting. Standing military press, shoulder press, and arnold press are also dangerous for your growth. So do them when you are seated. So you don't have to worry about bench pressing. Keep up the good work
if you stand up with a 45 pound weight on your head while benching, otherwise its ok :)