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Will new shocks help stop the back of my truck from bouncing over speed bumps?

I put cheap shocks on and it still bounces. Do i need more expensive ones?


Some of the worst injuries can occur on the soccer field. I have been playing for a few years, and I have seen everything! Broken limbs, broken noses, bruises, cuts and scrapes There really is no limit! While very severe injuries don't occur all the time, they do occur. And I can guarantee if you play soccer long enough you will get a few injuries here and there. The best advice is to play your best and protect yourself. If you see a player about to ram you into the ground, brace yourself and ram them back! Don't just let it happen! The same rule applies with the ball- it hurts less if YOU hit IT than if you let IT hit YOU! And always wear ALL of your protective gear- including shin guards! I know they can be annoying, but you have no idea how many times they have saved me from painful shin splints or being cleated mercilessly. Have fun! It's all worth it in the end! But if you are looking into playing (and are a good, aggressive, player) I would stock up on Icy Hot patches and self adhesive wrap for sprains. It will come in handy trust me! : ) Good luck!
the number of alarms is how many fire depts had to respond
Fire Extinguishers do lose their pressure over time and should be checked/inspected yearly by a qualified service company. They will empty extinguisher, replace seals, check valves and refill, generally for less than $10, depending on size of unit.

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