I have look'd on numerous sites for this info, most dont say anything about Lime kiling Vegetation. I have 2 bags of this particular Brand Type even checked their website found no answer for my ? I have weeds all kinds of Arizona Native types of weeds ~yes there's a difference. And yes, I want to get rid All of them.Most of the stuff U buy at Home Depot or Lowe's, doesnt work on stuff here. It has some type of Salt or Sugar in it, They Dont Kill Any Type of Weed, But Make them Grow!! Im tired of having to pull weeds all over our Acre a Quarter Property. So, we just happen to have this type of Lime lying around that needs to be used b4 we get anymore rain it hardens to Cement Like Compound. ~the ??~Will this Particular Lime Kill Weeds UnWanted Vegetation or Not??