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Wire an outlet???

How do I wire an outlet that has two black and to white wires. It this case the white being the HOT wires?? Don't know why all the white wires in my house are HOT.. And the black are nuetral???


If as you say white are (hot) .This situation it's called reverse wiring and has violation .In the main control box check the weirs if white is connect to the neutral terminal (a plate with lot of screws) and black is exit from breakers ,your wiring is correct and may one place in circuit branch by mistake neutral is connect to the hot and hot to neutral (ammature work).
Seen it before in residential, commercial and industrial apps. Why? Haven't a clue other than folks are just backwards that way. *L* I laugh now but it's usually not funny in the field. I've heard arguments between electric power and electronic folk over black v. red color codes but don't remember similar arguments over black v. white. Perhaps someone older than me can shed some light...
Just use what is called a pigtail add take a short piece of white wire and wire nut it to the other two thenyou will have one wire to hook to the outlet.Do the same with the black. Be sure you turn the power off before attempting any wiring task. Black on the brass screw and White on the silver screw on the outlet.
i am an electrician and i cant believe that the white wire is hot. i would double check it to make sure. use a volt meter.take the negative probe and touch the box if it is a metal box. if romex cable was used just touch the bare ground wire. touch the white and black wires one at a time with the positive probe to see wich is hot. every outlet has 4 sdrew terminals 2 brass and 2 silver. the hot wire always gets hooked to the brass terminals. i would check the circuit breaker box to see how the wires are hooked up. the black wires should be hooked up to the circuit breakers the white wires should be hooked up to the nuetral bar. if not you're house was wired backwards.

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