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Wire line, why is red and blue? Why are there different colors?

Will the fire alarm system RVV, RVS, KVV, RVVP, respectively, what line


RVV PVC insulated PVC sheathed flexible cable letter R on behalf of the letter of the letter V on behalf of the insulator PVC RVS full name copper core PVC insulated twisted connection with a soft wire, twisted multi-strand cord letter S on behalf of twisted pair Line letter R for cord letter V for PVC (insulator) KVV PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper core control cable letter V for insulator Polyvinyl chloride letter K for control with RVVP PVC insulated PVC Set shielded soft cable letter R for cord letter V for insulator Polyvinyl chloride letter P on behalf of shield
Puncture clip does not need to dial the main line of the skin, T terminal need.
if the TV screen appears set-top box to start the image and then prompt "no signal" case, this phenomenon proves your set-top box and TV between the audio and video lines Red, yellow, white) connection basically no problem
First tell you a good news, your phone is really iPhone, in the upgrade software is the emergence of this problem, is a bug of Apple, first tell a method if not go after the sale to solve. Steps: 1) open the device 2) into the system 3) insert the data line 4) see the "This cable or accessories have not yet been certified, it may not work with this iPad reliable" tips, do not point anything including buttons, Directly unplug the data cable. 5) insert the data line, you will see the prompt, then close the warning message.

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