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Would a fog machine set off the smoke alarms in a dorm room?

I go to LSU if that helps, also I believe my RA told me we have optical fire alarms


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Work for your parents and/or neighbor. My neighbors give me 30.00 every month for watering their plants and helping out with the pool(: My parents give me 30.00 every month for just doing dishes (I do them once a week.) Hope I helped!
Get your ID and work at subway. Walk dogs. Do yard work. For this you can have a couple of people who you can go to regularly. You can also pair up with someone else who wants to make some money and have them do the heavier harder work while you do the lighter, but if they ask for a bigger cut because of the harder work its only fair. Deliver news papers. Ask guardians if you can do somethings for an allowance. This way you know what you have to do and the money continues. Watch someones children. Before you do this do some research on things about safety after that search for things to do with kids. If there isnt a store near your house but loads of kids, ask your parents to invest in a certain amount of money, go to a whole sale store and buy soda pop, candy chips and sell it to them. This could be slow but you could move on to bigger client like the parting neighbors, garage sale neighbors and older teens. This one cane be tricky. Think about the economics of your community before doing. Go to a salon and sweep hair and clean up. Explain to them that your looking to make a little extra money. If you can fake a interest in beauty. Remember where there is a will there is a way. Stay driven.

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