if i start working my forearms and they get stronger, will this help improve my bench press?
heavy weights less reps, your chest workout should consist of this, at the least. benchpress. 1 warmup +3 sets- total 4 dumbell press 3 sets incline press 3 sets, cable cross overs 5 sets incline flyes 3 sets this is a basic chest workout, in order to gain a high bench press you need to do different exercises, not JUST bench press. also you should be doing at most 6 reps per set, and on the final rep you should barely be able to put it up or need a spot, this is for best results
Improve your bench by benching
improve the bench press? wouldn't hurt./ also, if you're not already doing it ,squeeze the bar very tightly and you'll notice that all the contracting muscles will amp up also. And visualize that you are pushing yourself away from the bar instead of pushing the bar away. concentrating on tension in the body is more important that concentration on the weight lifted. /good technique is strength.go to some powerlifting website for advice. good luck
The answer is NO!. Your forearm muscles do not provide any leverage during a bench press. If you want to improve your bench press, work your chest and tricep muscle groups by doing bench press lifts. Another little hint to help you improve your bench press, is to work your back muscles by doing bent over rows or some other pulling lift. Your back muscles stabilize and provide support during a bench press.
You want to improve everything equally so yes. But the press relies alot on the chest, so pushups, free weights ... Oh and do some presses at half-weight to improve your form.