There's this guy I know who shakes hands so hard that it is painful. I decided that I wouldn't shake hands with him and my friend thinks it is rude of me. What do you think? Can you blame me or would you shake a bone crushers hand? What's the etiquette here?
you can braid your hair. It makes it crimpy, not curly. I havent heard using a paper bag to curl your hair. Spiral Rollars work too.
Not sure what you mean by FLR with regard to Fire Hose. I could only think of Flow Resistance, other wise known as friction drop / friction loss / pressure loss, which refers to the presssure the line loses due to the friction of the liquid against the interior surfaces ofthe hose. This is critical for fire fighting, since proper pressure at the NOZLE end of the hose is a necessity fo safety. The smaller the hose ID the greater the effect of Pressure Drop. The pressure drop varies with the pressure in the line.