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All Aluminum Foils Question

I have to sit on a very hard stool at workCan I soften it by taking stool softeners?
4 answer
Has anybody ever used the kits you buy for the end of your laminate countertop?
4 answer
why is it that paper it self catches fire easily but paper wrapped around a aluminum pipe does not catch .?
1 answer
Is there any way to prevent corrosion oxide coated aluminum coil?
5 answer
Where can I recycle aluminum cans for cash on east side of Cincinnati, Ohio?
0 answer
What Christmas treat can i make for people who like salty snacks?
4 answer
Which side of aluminum foil is supposed to be non-stick?
5 answer
I am looking for a round cushion chair fo my cat, with adjustable aluminum frame?
2 answer
When cooking with aluminum foil is it shiny side up ?
3 answer
Starter's Telescope Query?
4 answer
Will a 4 foot, 2 square, 3/32 thick aluminium tube withstand the weight of 3 adults?
3 answer
Recipe for My-My, Nigerian steamed bean packets?
6 answer
Know any fun chemical reacions that use things from around the house?
5 answer
How much gun powder is in a typical fire cracker compared to a .22 round?
2 answer
Easiest way to clean Circle E candle jar?
5 answer
I want to make tandoori lamb chops.?
5 answer
Drip pans for Whirlpool Super Capacity 465?
4 answer
I realy want to know this?
2 answer
Aluminium or steel - which is better for making utensils and why?
1 answer
Cornbeef question for tomorrow?
1 answer
What is the cheapest back drop and photo lights?
5 answer
Do I need to grease an aluminum cake pan? Is butter non-stick spray okay? do I need to use flour too?
1 answer
How good a conductor of electriciy is aluminum?
5 answer
My neighbour gave me a large bag of home-grown spinach?
5 answer
if I were in a mirrored sphere and i turned on a light bulb that was exactly in the middle, what would happen?
2 answer
I'll be moving into a house with friends for college Basic appliances are included What do we need?
5 answer
Where do Engineers get their gears, motors, and other materials from?
5 answer
Do you have to put aluminum foil in the bowl part if you are smoking out of an apple?
1 answer
How would i go about dying dark brown human hair extensions to a light brown/dirty blonde color?
1 answer
Can I use light bulb instead of laser pointer in Double Slit Experiment? and please help further?
4 answer