I washed it the other day and now the headlights dont work, the fuse is fine and the wires seem to be ok from what i have seen. Could it be the switch or is it less complicated than that?
buy a Honda. lol lol it sounds like your ground ,has shorted out , you will need a test meter , to see if your getting power thru , maybe a test bulb ,would work . Ive found the head light tend to look ,ok but the vibration,from the road causes damage
Water has most likely got into relay or switchgear.Use a multi meter to check for continuity and power in corresponding wires and contacts.
The bulb is out -screw in another
spray some 10w 40 in to the switch. are you sure the fuse is good? did you test it with a meter?replace it anyway. is evrthing working except lites? go to your manul and trace the circut. there cai'nt be much wrong with it.If your gonna ride the beast who EATS hondas better learn how it works