What's the best way to sleep?
Buffering reduces walking and jumping shock, and protects the 7 vertebrae of the brain and the body. The vertebrae are not only vertically stacked, rounded and oriented toward the front arc, the so-called cervical curvature, the occipital effect, and the maintenance of the curvature
Sleeping pillow cervical pillow to keep balance and the lumbar cervical compression; supine sleeping pillow height of 5 to 8 cm for lateral sleep; according to each shoulder width 7 to 12 cm high pillow gay male pillow height of 11 to 14 cm for pillow height can maintain sleep and sleep are cervical highly suitable to maintain the same position by supine lateral alternating selection pillow height of 8 to 10 cm and 2 cm increase male pillow
The single pillow of width 15 cm height should be self compression and high self Boxing (fist hand to punch high height) should be equal to the surface of the supporting surface of the pillow neck (cervical curvature) should be cylindrical and hardness can foil support the neck support head should be more accurate in the low 3 - 5 cm that can support with the height of the neck pillow to adapt the contents should be chosen according to the situation of kapok pillow soft buckwheat skin pillow with proper