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2000 grand prix alarm goes off?

I have a 2000 grand prix gt factory alarm and it keeps going off randomly anytime of the day. No loud cars, no bangin on it, no lights on or doors open. Usually it does 4-5 chirps. Any ideas how to stop this the right way (meaning, I don't want to unplug the horn because I use italot!). Thanks for any suggestions.


i, too, live in upstate ny and used to drive alot for my job. definetly get snows, i did get the studded ones. they cant go on before nov 15 and have to be off by april 15. as for brand, i use nokia. nokia tires are great, and you may not need the studs, but, i got them..as for your oil change, technically, i stay away from fast places like valvoline or jiffy lube.find yourself a reputable mechanic. i have had a few experiances involving the quick stop places, and will not go back. i, would, however, go back, see the manager and make sure everything was put back, that they did not forget to tighten something, and tell him of your concern, make them double check everything, then dont go back there.. good luck
sk8lava's answer was good, although long. There are two things that I always tell my beginner students: 1. Keep your head up! Do not look at the floor. Your head will control the way your body moves. If you look at the floor, your feet will go out behind you, because the weight of your head will pull your whole body forward. (Keep your head, shoulders, and hips over your skates.) 2. Keep your knees slightly bent. They act as shock absorbers. You can't keep your balance if you lock your knees! (This goes back to keeping your head, shoulders, and hips over your skates. If your knees are bent, and you stand up straight, your body will be aligned properly.) You could always check at your rink to see if they offer skating lessons. It might not hurt to take a group lesson, maybe once or twice before the party (if you have time). Most of all - REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN! That's what it's all about! Good luck!
Its sorta like walking. Try that, then coasting, then after you do that, GO LIKE A SPEED DEMON!

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