I just bought a new windshield wiper motor for my car, amp; when it replaced it turned the wipers on amp; they moved in reverse! They want to stop at the top position. When they try to move down, they move way past the bottom of the windshield, i don‘t know what‘s going on! Any suggestions? I‘m not 100% familiar with where the ‘tab‘ is for the alignment of this car, i‘m having troubles with that. (If it even has one!) yikes.
Defiantly not cool. Assuming you changed the motor with a factory or better unitSome low end motors have reversed polarity. But sounds like you may have the wipers 'timed' wrong. First, take the linkage off at the motor. Then, with the ignition on turn the wiper switch on then off and check where the motor shaft stops. After that, you install the linkage with the wipers positioned at the bottom of the windshield.
When you replaced the motor you didn't check to see if it was in the park position before you reninstalled the wiper arms. Take the arms off again and turn the wiper switch on and then off it will go to the park posistion and then install the blades as the normally rest when not in use.
The wiper linkage needs to be recalibrated so that they stop at the proper place. Simply remove the wiper arms off of the pivots with the wiper control KNOWN to be in the off - rest position. While not familiar with your particular vehicle, most wiper pivots are knurled for registration purposes and the arms held on with a spring clip. Therefore they have to be removed while holding the clip outward AND while pulling the arm straight off the pivot axle. It isn't too easy to do. Then the arms are repositioned and pressed back onto the pivot axles so they rest where they are supposed to.