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A 6540 kilogram pallet of ammo equals how many tons?

A 6540 kilogram pallet of ammo equals how many tons?


How about - why can't Haiti provide their own water? Or - let some other country continually bail out the third world losers. They would kill each other getting to the water - these people are not civilized.
Because dropping a whole bag of water will probably cause a riot among the people of Haiti...they don't want even more deaths by fighting
There are a lot of people that need supplies. Even US military helicopters (the best in the world) can only do so much. You drop a few pallets of water and food, the people will fight over what little there is. It's human instinct. Plus you need a massive mobilization of massive amounts of resources. If we don't do that, people die and the US gets criticized for not helping enough. If we do mobilize and put a lot of boots on the ground, we get criticized anyway for policing the world and meddling in Haiti's affairs, and people die anyway. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
Maybe. I think if God were to save someones life, it means that they have some type of purpose yet to be fulfilled. I'd think Satan is more likely to keep an honest person living in this day in the hopes that they would stray from God. We live in a very corrupt society, the longer you live in it the more likely you are to become corrupt yourself. My friend and I were in a drowning accident, I was 6 and she was 5. We were both clinically dead when we were found, I was revived, she was not. I believe one of 2 things, either God has some type of purpose for me that has not been fulfilled, or Satan wants my soul. I have been in several accidents, I've had the drowning accident, I've been hit by a car, I fell out of a ride at the county fair when it began to move before I was locked in the car. I have been attacked by racists. The simple truth is, I should be dead, but I'm not, but I don't consider the life I have as a gift, because my life has never been pleasant. My life has been very hard and disappointing. If God kept me alive to experience the things I've experienced, he isn't a very loving God, that is all I know. ;-)
Good question. I saw the helicopters sitting on ships wondering like you what they were waiting for. They must have a very good reason, because I wouldn't want to wait until Monday if I or my kids hadn't had any water for two or three days. I guess we have to tune in to CNN for an explanation.

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