I got locked out of my place, so I called a locksmith. He charged me 36 bucks to unlock the door, with a thin, long tool that kind of pushed the sliding part of the lock in. Now, it gets jammed and the lock won't close properly. I am wondering if when locksmiths open doors whether they can just open it by any means or whether they have to open it so that it functions properly. I will use your advice to inform my approach with the company. Thanks.
there is one squarish U shaped lock with a pin which has an axial movement.the releasing part is a solid straight pin and it connects the two ends of the U housing. very strong even its too small and no body can find a place to cut /bend/or lever. good luck..
Run, If your near water QUICKLY wet your closthes or a blanket and run out. If there is heavy smoke, crawl, smoke rises. Stay away from ares you know has gas or heavly flamable. Also DO NOT go back to get things you think are important.