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About Alaska sled dogs fighting

My Alaska sled dogs before one year old did not understand the fight will not bite even if other dogs bully him biting his tail he would run away after one year although doesn't bite or attack dogs but if a dog bite to bully him he would be fierce counterattack vicious bite to deadly small dogs.. Will your Alaska grow stronger as well?


3, grow up, temper is still the same gentle, but not obedient since childhood, their own things, often do not listen to greetings, hands have the food they like, may be obedient.4, grow up had become large, generally do not attack people, dogs, other dogs but not to find it, otherwise it will be very serious. People can moderate bully it, is generally not a big problem, but can not bully overdo, but found it angry, should immediately stop, otherwise it will bite, but it bites, the consequences could be serious, it is likely to bite the head, face, neck and other deadly parts.
Normal.Alaska is such a temper.1, childhood never bite, bite dog, temper is very mild.2, grow up very silly, generally don't lose your temper, don't bite bite a dog, but will attack other animal, such as chicken, duck what a shot, you have a good, otherwise you will lose money or not to run, ha ha.
So, if one day you teach it, or when a friend dally with it and find that there is a sign of anger, be sure you can control it, not hurt by it, or stop the action immediately. Remember, it's a big dog, but when it comes to fire, it can be amazing.Again, it rarely get angry, master angry, gave it a few feet.

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