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AH! I pressed SPACE BAR + CTRL it made the page so small!!?

so i accidentally pressed SPACE BAR + CTRL and it like shrunk only the page, so i pressed it again and again, until i made the screen unreadable. Help how do I return it to normal!!


hold down the Ctrl button then press the +sign
try CTRL-0 (zero)
Try clicking CTRL and + (plus) key together to zoom in. If you click CTRL with the - (minus) key, it will zoom out. (This is using Firefox, but it should work with other browsers as well). To reset the page to the default view click CTRL and the number 0. If that doesn't work, (Firefox) click: View Zoom Reset (Other) click View and look for zoom settings.
Press: ctrl + plus as in, hold down control, then press the + sign on your keyboard.

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