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And these are the same people Obama thought he could win over with an apology and a smile?

And these are the same people Obama thought he could win over with an apology and a smile?


No, he was trying to get away from wifey wailing on him with a golf club.
Never underestimate the persuasive powers of a Swedish super model with a 4 iron.
First of all, how is it that it is considered safer to drive above the posted speed limit ? Driving on the freeways/highways 55 mph saves lots of fuel and adds very little to the overall travel time. Those exceeding the speed limit, ( where by the way, that is the limit of mph to travel, not the start) are a danger to themselves and all other motorists. Speed bumps are installed to curb the dummies that drive well above the safe limit for the area. A residential area has a 25 mph speed limit, regardless of whether it's posted or not. Cameras do not deter the infractors
He was on his way to take advantage of Black Friday deals like other Americans but, His caddy is going to kick the crap out of that fire hydrant.
I think he was out to improve his lie, after all his balls landed in the ruff after he shanked his tee practice practice practice

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