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Any idea of how much motor Horsepower can lift?

I was computing the wattage of a motor crane, but I Don't have any Idea what are the conversion formula, any idea? example what is the motor HP for a 1 ton crane?, how about 2 tons, 3 tons, ect., thanks by the way.


Your first respondent gave you the basic ideasHere are the dirty details: Work force × distance The force involved is lifting against gravity1,000 kg (a metric tonne or 2,200lb) weighs 1,000kg × 9.81Newtons/kg 9,810 Newtons The work to lift 1,000kg 9,810 Newtons × 1 meter 9,810 Joules Power Work ÷ Time 9,810 Joules of work in one second 9,810 Watts 9,810 Watts/746 Watts/hp 13.15 horsepower Lifting 1,000kg (9,810 Joules of work) in one hour requires: 9,810 Joules ÷ 3,600 seconds 2.725 Watts 2.725 Watts/746 Watts/hp .004 hp
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Fiber is always a great addition to your dietIt makes you regular which is always good for making you feel comfortable and healthy.
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