I work at a fire hydrant factory. I am having trouble finding a parking space near the building its very frustrating. I have to walk really far to get to the door. What should I do? Should I tell my boos about my problem?
Your comment wasn't unny and neither was the situation! I think I am tired and bored
lol i don't get the joke but i think the situation is hilarious. personally, i would wait till after to make the joke but it wouldn't offend me if someone made a joke right away. i like people with a good sense of humor.
No one can guarantee that theft will not occur-that can occur at home or anywhere; no law requires video surveillance. I don't really see negligence. Almost anywhere is park at your own risk. You should have rental car insurance to cover most of this (your home insurance, your CC or additional insurance purchased at the time).
Maybe she was a smoker, could be the reason why she was somewhat insulted anyway Congratulations,..Your a Super Hero, the World needs you man,lmhoff,GRAB THAT BLANKET STICK OUT YOUR CHEST,I can see it now big circle on your chest,..cigarette in middle line drawn across,..lol,.. glad the guy is alright,hope he learned a lesson, don't smoke and ride,..okay enough already,Peace
I don't really get the joke either, but it wasn't inappropriate.