You take a six-inch length of narrow garden hose and stuff a firecracker in one end. Then you stick the other end about 1 inch into some fresh cow poop. You approach your victim and then light the firecracker. It goes bang, and the cow poop flies out and splats on her nice clean clothes. Works great on pesky sisters. Wear gloves and goggles for safety.
that depends how complex you want it to be 1. wire loop inductive sensors in road surface to detect vehicles. 2. PIR movement detectors mounted atop the actual signal column (for vehicles and/or pedestrians, depending on orientation) 3. Pedestrian I want to cross buttons at each pedestrian access point 4. Remote inputs from traffic control centre, while monitoring traffic on CCTV 5. Wireless inputs from emergency service vehicles on blue light missions The simplest systems have no inputs at all, and depend purely on timers in the main control box.
You cannot. Not even bankruptcy will cancel it. It's a binding contract between you and the government.