ive seen ghost 4 a while now and idk wats been goin on dis past week this person gives me dirty looks and she hates me and my grandmother. im not sure how to make her go away. i think she may be a demon. but im not sure. i was praying and she gave me the death look. it was soo freaky. i was so scared. i dont know how to get ride fo her i tryed to tell her but she wouldnt go away so then i tryed to figure out why she was bothering me but she wasnt much help.
Sounds to me like there is a problem with the power supplying the furnace. When power is off to the furnace nothing runs but when power is restored and there is a call for heat the blower only will come on for a few minutes then it will shut down and start the heating sequence. Stay with the installer because they are responsible for the first year labor warranty. Anyone else will charge for there time. They are just missing the problem either because it's not doing it at the time they are there or they are inexperienced. Tell them to send another tech. Since it is new it's probably a weak connection.
gurl if its blocked there is noooo way to unlock you would need a computer geek
The smoke alarm is bad so clean up your mess and call the landlord and have him replace it. There thats not so hard is it?
They bypass any filter and are not blocked. Free and fast websites. Pick the one you like. They are all good. Tell your friends and don't do anything illegal!