A strong magnet in a junk yard can lift a carWhat does this tell you about the relative strength of the magnetic and gravitational forces on the car??
Which straightener did you use and how long did you leave it on? I've had good results with the Ogilvie straightener from Wal Mart (or a drug store) but my hair is so coarse that I've left it on over an hour, even tho the directions say no more than 25 minutesMaybe you didn't leave it on long enough? Also, the temporary straighteners do zero for my hairThe best bet is use an extra hold mousse and go with the curlsIt gets rid of all the frizz, hold your hair down from poofing and makes it softer and shinier lookingThen blow dry with a diffuser or air dryGels work Ok too but they make your hair take a long time to dryOh! FX Special Effects Curls Up works awesome on ends to keep them shiny and full of vitamins so they won't splitIt's in a tall shaped golden bottleI've always found the serums to just leave a layer of grease on top of the frizz.
I know how you feelI have the same hairI tried all the chemicals and all it did was kill my hairYou could try De-Frizz shampoos and go to a stylist and ask for helpI guess my mom had worse hair then mine (which is horrible) and she said that right after she had my older sister her hair became softer and straighter.something with the hormonesI guess all we cn do is live with it.or keep killing our hair with chemicals that don't do crapLuckily I'm 8 months along with mine so hopefully I'll be lucky and my hair will change.
NO!! if u mix chemicals from diffproducts the outcome may be bad.if any thing wait a few days for the chemicals to set put in frizz control use a flat iron then use some serum for fly aways
Well gravity is just the pulling down on objects to get to the earths coreThe earth's core is so far away and the junk yard crane magnet is right there, so it lifts the car
You are what you areShave your head and get a really nice expensive wigNo one will be able to tell and you will look so ravishingly beautifulGorgeous even! True Story: I dated a girl years ago who had that hair, and they called her Brillo headShe spent hundreds of dollars over just a few years trying to get her hair to look goodI spent $700 on a real hair wig and she loved it and looked greatPlus she never spent another dime on all the hair treatment stuff againYou will spend all that and more on treatments and still you will never be really happyYou hair will follow you throughout the years, everywhere you goCheck it out, you might be surprisedI'm just offering my advice and hoping to help you out.