I have a SD card and when I put it in the slot of the card reader, it scratched the SD card ?Is it suppose to do that so it can make contact with the SD card and read it ?It's a Scandisk SD card from Radioshack for $11.Its a Sakar card reader from Walmart for around $10.Thanks for the help
I don't think so, there has to be some degree of contact and will likely make a slight bit of surface scratches especially on a cheap card reader, but you should be ok so long as it's not digging into the contacts to the point that they will wear out real quick, if it is deep, you may want to dump the reader and get a better one. I'm sure it will be fine though.
a little bit is OK, if it damages it then there might be something wrong with the reader
no, it's not as if it's scratched it probably won't work, however you can probably buy a cleaner for like 20$
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's an issue here. I'd be taking some stuff back, and having them looked at. I'd take them to Radio Shack. They're trained technicians, and they can tell you exactly what the problem is and how to resolve it.
the way they are made I wouldn't see it being a big issue it will most likely make some contact and scratch the card. Just like when you get a new debit/credit card and swipe it for the 1st time it has some scratches or marks from swiping it.