I know that they can't be placed on windows where they would be blocking your vision. But is anywhere on the body of the car legal? Also would having vinyl lettering with the reflective material be legal?
There is much material in a modern home that would provide a path to ground for a lightning stike. Wiring, copper pipes, rebar etc (Aluminum siding would be like living in a farady cage as far as lightning is concerned). Indirect effects still cause damage and can pose a hazard to people. THe classic using the telephone during a lightning storm is prime example of how a direct strike to a building can couple hazardous potentials onto a nearby conductor causing damage and/or injury.Taller objects tend to sheild shorter objects in close proximity from a direct strike. (indirect effects are not shielded) Lightning sees an easier path to ground by striking the top of the taller object vs traveling further through the air to strike a lower object. This is illustrated in the so called Rolling sphere method which is a way to determine a zone of protection offered by a taller object.The protected zone is roughly triangular in shape (the verticle height of the taller object, and horizontal distance forming two sides). The hypotenuse is curved as it is formed by the curvature of a 150 foot diameter shpere. Anything that fits within this triangular area is relatively protected (There are no absolutes)from a direct strike. So smaller objects nesstled in between tall buildings are relatively protected from direct strikes. I can attest to the effects of indirect damage after witnessing indirect lightning damage done at Otis AFB to the water treatment plant systems in 2000. The energy from a nearby ground stike found an easier path through the water mains than the surrounding sandy soil. We could plot the straight line damage to equipment associated with and nearby the piping as the charge made its way to the well pumps. Nearly $150K damage done to motor controllers, pump motors , RS485 communications and PLC equipment done in one storm.
Kinda like a bus alarmevacuating 65 kids off a busin an orderly fashionchaos