BOOK OF PAGESBook of prophet Fronkey 11:33:44:56:789aAnd he say 'choot em' and he use the machinez with the pipes to take away aur soulz. And in heaven VegetableSkinMan say 'criae criae cryai' and then they try more sacrifice to great Marshmelo in field of treez. and will of Great Pumpkin is done..
You can not take away what is not there. I have no soul. You have no soul. Nobody does.
if you're going to attempt to insult someone, you should at very least make sure you're not a grammatical failure... also, souls do not exist, moron.
Hit me with your best shot
Right you might have to prove the exit since if a soul first.
I don't have a soul, and never did ... much like your intelligence.