I see people (even some muscular people) in the gym bench pressing just the bar with no weights on the sides. Isn't that just 10 pounds? What is that good for and why do it?
If its a typical size olympic bar just get rid of one plate at a time switching sides. If it's a brief bar, (like extra low finish home gyms have) then that you could buy clasps for the bench. They look like the letter L and fasten in order that they lock the bar in situation so that whilst you cast off a tremendous ample weight from one aspect the unbalanced bar that would ordinarily right away tip off the bench might be secure at the same time you get rid of the plate from the opposite part.
Well the bar is more likely a olympic bar witch weighs 45 pounds also they do that to tone up.
No, the bench-press bar is typically 45 lbs, not 10. Many times people bench press this amount because they do not have the upper body strength to benchpress more, or alternatively if they do they are using low weight and high repetitious to gain muscle tone instead of bulking their muscles up by using heavy weights.
The standard bench press bar weighs 45 lbs. Why would someone bench press just the bar with no weight? 1. Different people have different levels of strength. A woman who has never exercised before may have to build up to adding weight to the bar. 2. Warm-up. Even if someone is strong enough to bench press a lot of weight, they may use just the bar for a warm-up set before they lift. Warming up before you lift can help prevent injury. 3. Endurance. Someone may bench press just the bar as quickly as possible for as many reps as possible to build speed, or slowly for as many reps as possible to build endurance.