I have a really green horse.I got her two days ago. :)I was wondering is my full cheek snaffleor eggbutt with a copper roller better??
isnt there a test system mode on your alarm system panel?
If you are talking about something like a mass spectrometer then these were already in use in regular laboratories. Incorporating them in space missions helped to develop models that weighed less and consumed less power but as far as I know none of the various types was developed specifically for a space mission and only then employed in general use. It's interesting that one of the scientists working on the TEGA (Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyser) instrument on the Mars Phoenix Lander which includes a mass spectrometer, spent his early years working with Al Nier, a pioneer in the use of mass spectrometers in general analytical applications and the construction of instruments for specific space applications. I suspect that much the same story could be told about other spectrometers used to detect and identify gases, particularly infra-red instruments.
I would try asking it the following questions 1) what was the name of the famous Arsenal Goalkeeper who went on to be a TV presenter 2) who was the guitarist in Deep Perple 3) A Fistful of .. - Clint Eastwood Movie 4) How many legs has a rocking horse I think this is a suitable test - not to difficult , not too easy answers 1 ) Bob Wilson 2 ) Richie Blackmore 3) Dollars 4) 3 - trick question - one is broken .
light something on fire and sees if it goes off