What type of burglar alarm ids called after is ativated.When it goes off you get a phone call from the alarm complany if anything is ok and also a text message .can you please tell me the name of it?
it depends on how hard you hit down. it can hit the exhaust pipe, oil pan or the cross member. usually when something like that happens is because you have weak springs. if your trunk is loaded down take a lot of stuff out. that will help it out some but it sounds like you need stiffer springs.
Just like those labels on pillows that say DO NOT REMOVE. When you get them home, who would know, the pillow police? So, I'd imagine that once you purchase a fire extinguisher, you can do what ever you like to it, as long, as you say, it is for personal use. And, for your safety, it still works. Like, don't paint the pull ring so you cannot open it in the event of a fire. Paint it purple with pink polka dots, if you want. In the end, it is still a fire extinguisher, right?
Just another uniform item you have to keep up with. Plus what alexander m said.
Ease of sight during training. You have to think, often they will wake you up in the middle of the night for training, or if someone does something wrong. That is what my recruiter told me anyways.