Can a fire hose be used in place of Summer's Eve Douche? I need something with a little more oomph.?
It may take a while but sooner or later you will get a letter about it or there will be a pick up order on you that will make it's way to Va. from NY via computer Next time you get a ticket when they run your tag or license number that's where all wants and warrants come up and you will get to ride in the back of a cop carsaying to yourselfI shouldaaaa
It can also mean the room is symmetrical with respect to the speakers, that the length, width and height are odd numbers and not multiples of each other. Example a room that is 12 ft high, 6 ft wide and 18 feet long all have multiples of 3 which will reflect some frequencies a lot better than others.
Hurst and if they don't list it try using the links section and linking to the Hurst website.