I'm wanting a scaffold piercing so i can wear it with a bar or 2 rings. Could i get it PIERCED with the 2 rings to begin with or do i have to have a bar for the first few weeks/months?
Generally a Scaffold piercing is pierced with a needle and a bar runs through both piercings. You can get it done with BCR's, however it would be much more difficult to align the piercings up because of the curvature of the rings. Also the Scaffold can be pierced with PTFE or BIOPLAST, these are both lightweight and flexible and will take the pressure off of the piercing. You can also have the scaffold done with 2 separate Barbells, but the most common way is with one long Scaffold bar. These are usually around 38mm long and 1.6mm thick. Cartilage piercings can take quite a while to heal, anything from 12 weeks to a year to completely heal. If in any doubt, talk to your piercer first about your options.
My friend wanted the same thing done so she asked the piercer and he pierced one side of her top ear first and a week later she went back and got the other side pierced. She got used to the rings being in for 2 weeks and then put a bar in. Beware though as the bar that is put into your ear can make your skin grow around it, I still have two lumps on my ear from where the piercing went dodgy and so has my friend. I want it done again though! :)