I recently got fired from PetsMart. And wrote ill about them in my blog and Facebook because I felt my termination was unjust. They called and threaten to sue. Is this possible don't I have freedom of speech?
Lighting rods do both. A lighting rod will discharge the air around them and lessen the chance of lighting striking them but if the charge is large enough the lighting will discharge in a controlled manner through the lighting rod and into the ground without doing damage. What is strange today is that very few people use lighting rods.
Lightning believe it or not travels up to the clouds and not down to the ground. It happens so fast that it is hardly discernable by the naked eye. By raising the negative ground upwards, the distance travelled is less and does not pass through the structure resulting in fire or other damage. The theory is to allow the charge to pass around the building. Hope this helps. Discovery channel, also live in the Lightning capitol of the US, Sunny Florida
Lightening can travel in either direction- up or down (actually, it is theorized that the majority of lighting travels up). Most of the destruction is caused when lightning strikes down, because it seeks the easiest path to ground and if that is through a tree, a person, or a house- oh, well! The idea of a lightning rod is to provide a convenient, easy, and accessible path-to-ground for electricity to protect whatever might get hit otherwise.
it violated some laws of science..
could be an STDor just plain old hemmorids! Go see the doctor..and pleaseoh why would you pick at them. If you don't know what it is, you can spred them all over.