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Can I transfer data between two laptops by usb port?

i want to transfer 4gb of data from my old laptop to a new one.is there any way to transfer data by using a usb cable?if not,what is the best way?tnx


yes there is you need a USB data transfer cable available at any decent computer/electrical store or as suggested a network cable crossover if your going direct from laptop to laptop or normal if you go through a switch etc. network cable is much cheaper
Yes, you can but it ill be slower. I suggest you use a crossover cat5 cable instead. But you have to configure something. Better burn it in a DVD then transfer it, or use a big USB flash drive
You should be able to use an ethernet patch cable to connect the two computers and transfer the data that way. It would be faster than a USB cable, and potentially cheaper, I think.
Yes you can! Get atleast 5GB DVD CD and burn all your data from your old laptop! Or if you have 5gb USB just copy all your data and paste it to ur new one laptop!
yes, just go to Walmart or some place like that then just connect the two laptops, then thats all I know

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