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can we charge n73 through data cable?

charing nokia n73 through data cable or pc???


its possible only if you put ur phone in offline mode, which means u wont be able to do or receive calls, while the SIM is active there's no way to charge it thru data cable
no it is not possible you have to buy adaptor okay
yes you can charge most nokia phones/smart phones with a usb charging port
a million. attempt making use of different USB port if no longer artwork 2. attempt with yet yet another cable if no longer artwork 3. attempt you outdoors no longer simple disk on yet another workstation if artwork than USB port on your workstation is improper, if no longer artwork than your device is improper in case you're making use of living living house living house windows XP or older than you're waiting to would desire to installation device drivers for ext HD/ cellular presented through ability of the producer, you additionally can obtain drivers from information superhighway internet site of the producer.
Dude No u cant charge even n95 itself doesnot hav dis facility. But usb charging available in de phone lik N85 and N96.

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