I have a nasty old carpet and I don't want to replace it until I decide to get ceramic tiles or fiber glass vinyle. I went to Ikea and bought large area rugs. They move when we walk on them and they wrinkle. I used doubled sided tape, it didn't work. Can I use Gorilla glue? should I spray water first before using the glue?should I use super glue? I own the place, so it is ok to glue rugs to the carpet.
Is the floor below the old carpet timber? If so.. nail the corners of the rug down. Move the pile of the rug apart and nail it to the floor so you cant see the nails. If that cant be done the other idea is glue or hand sew the a length of Velcro to the under side of the rug in each corner. Use the hook part of the Velcro so it catches the old carpet and hold the rug in place.
Rugs over carpets are only tacky if they're those small entryway-type rugs. This is an area rug, so I'm sure you'll be fine. An area rug can help to pull a space together and define the dining area as one unit, so I commend you for your choice. It'll really help separate the living area and dining area. Make sure the rug colour and pattern fit in with the rest of the place, though! If the carpet is a neutral beige, you can do a bold colour; make sure it works with the furniture and wallpaint. I doubt you have a dark, vivid carpet, but if you do you would want to go with something lighter and more neutral to contrast with it and still make the delineation of living/dining work. And make sure the rug is not too large or too small. If it's too small, it will make the dining table and chairs seem like they're cramped into a small space. The rug should at least extend slightly beyond the table, although it does not need to extend beyond the chairs. Cheers. ^^ And something I forgot: as Barbiq wisely noted, prints on prints are tricky and usually best avoided.
I would not use gorilla glue on anything you need to walk on. Gorilla glue foams up like styrofoam if it usn't clamped tight and the dried foam is a bit fragile and will crumble. Super glue will soak in and not hold the pieces together. I can't think of a solution, but perhaps there's an answer at Ace or Home Depot hardware store. Perhaps staples will work out, or carpet tacks, unless the floor is cement.
Get a RUG GRIP made for a RUG TO CARPET application. Get the best one you can afford. They are sold everywhere - WalMart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe's. Double sided tape doesn't work with carpet. DO NOT USE ANY GLUE. It will give off noxious fumes may cause respiratory issues. When you get a hard surface floor, you'll need a RUG TO HARD SURFACE FLOOR RUG GRIP.
This Site Might Help You. RE: can I use Gorilla glue to stick the area rugs to carpet? I have a nasty old carpet and I don't want to replace it until I decide to get ceramic tiles or fiber glass vinyle. I went to Ikea and bought large area rugs. They move when we walk on them and they wrinkle. I used doubled sided tape, it didn't work. Can I use Gorilla glue? should I spray...