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Can I use the alarm on my Nintendo DS Lite?

Can I use my DS's alarm for a long time period??? or it will just deactivate.How do I use it as well???thanks and good luck?!!


You could need to replace the spark plugs or wires. To me it sounds like the engine is misfiring. Usually when this happens the check engine light will come on or flash. It will start off doing it at the higher speeds and over time (anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks or longer) it will get worse. I would take it to a place that will diag the check engine light for free if the light is on. Hope this solves the problem or at least points you in the right direction.
I understand your fear of speaking to the instructor, but it's very important that you tell the instructor. This is a safety issue, and the instructor does not want you to get hurt. You will not be dropped from the lab for having a broken finger, this is an accident and the professor will be understanding. He will tell you how to safely perform the experiments, and if it is impossible for you to do a certain part without gloves, he will allow your partner or another person to assist you. This is an excusable injury and should not keep you from completing your lab.

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