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Can LED lights photosynthesis of water plants?

Can LED lights photosynthesis of water plants?


There is an important light parameter: PUReff, that is, photosynthesis can be used, the emissivity is different for each model of light. This is an important variable in the radiation formula.
Some foreign friends in Taiwan and other countries have not used the experience formula of watts / liter to determine how many lights a cylinder needs. Instead, photosynthesis can be calculated using radiation (PUR).There are several reasons: light radiation due to different length, width, height of the cylinder, attenuation of water depth, scattering of the side area, water surface reflection and other reasons will be lost. Therefore, the general empirical formula in different shapes of the cylinder is also very unreasonable.
ED lights can make photosynthesis of water plants.But the PUReff of the LED lights is actually very low. So the radiation needed by water plants is far from enough for photosynthesis. So LED Dengcao naturally difficult to grow well.
LED lights are a kind of plant lights, which can be equipped with their own lighting for various plants.

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