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Can you discribe in detail what a chair is?

If a chair is something you sit on does it make the floor a chair?


A chair is a piece of furniture consisting of a back, a seat, 4 legs...it is also a metaphoric place, where a Bishop, for example, reigns...from middle English and before that Latin, Cathedra...I.e. Cathedral....one might be the chair-or preside over Student Council-this is NOT the furniture, but the position...one could sit on floor and be the Chair person...however, sitting on the floor, without possessing a title, is Not sitting in a chair...the floor is Not a physical chair...
A chair has to have 4 or more legs of any length, let it be individual or off of a single pedistal from the seat, otherwise it would be a stool, with no legs it would be a seat, AND a chair also has to have a back otherwise it also be considered a stool. So a chair has to have a back and four legs or more in some way. I have never see a 3 or less legged chair. Recliners also has at least four feet it sits on. Even rocking chairs have four legs on a set of rockers.
no chairs are elevated, no matter how little, off the floor
A stool to put your behind on.
I will only answer this question if you tell me what the word discribe means.

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